Founded in 2012, Lambeth Food Partnership (LFP) is a groundbreaking, innovative scheme that operates in Lambeth. It is a local organization that aims to galvanise organisations and individuals to cultivate a healthier and more sustainable food culture. LFP is a membership organisation open to anyone who lives or works in Lambeth and cares about improving our food.
Lambeth has been awarded Food Flagship status and is one of only two London boroughs leading the way in tackling child obesity and health and social inequality in an innovative way. The Flagship Food Borough project in Lambeth is being led by the Lambeth Food Partnership,
The Lambeth Food Partnership wants all Lambeth residents to develop a love of healthy and sustainable food.It aims to help residents gain the knowledge, passion and skills to grow, buy, cook and enjoy food with their family, friends and community. It wants to make Lambeth the go-to destination in London for diverse, healthy and exciting food.
LFP works with the local community to help join up the dots - all the different groups and individuals who care about issues like healthy eating, local growing, food waste and making sure that our kids can inherit a food system that is ethical, sustainable and practical.
You can follow LFP on Twitter and Facebook.
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